
Noctua offers an integrity risk management framework which comprises of a Business Risk Assessment and a Compliance Manual. In a Business Risk Assessment, we assist you to identify and analyze the integrity risks that you are exposed to, such as Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism, Proliferation Financing, and other (internal and external) integrity risks, such as corruption, violations of sanctions regulations, and bribery. A Compliance Manual comprises of policies, procedures, control measures, and information systems to mitigate the identified integrity risks.

Noctua also provides a risk-rating methodology for your clients, which is aligned to the risk-based approach imbedded in the Business Risk Assessment and the Compliance Manual, and any other checklist to improve the implementation of the integrity risk management framework in your organization.

When drafting an integrity risk management framework, please note that we follow the expectations and requirements of the supervision authority in your jurisdiction and international standards, for example standards issued by the Financial Action Task Force, the European Union and the United Nations.

Integrity risk management is a dynamic process which requires at least an annual re-evaluation because of the dynamics in your organization and regulatory environment. In this regard, Noctua provides the service to re-evaluate your integrity risk management framework, together with any required updates.


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