
To ensure that you comply with local rules and regulations, you can fully outsource the compliance function to Noctua or partially, meaning that we can support your compliance department or let us perform all operational compliance activities.

In case you outsource the compliance function to Noctua, the following compliance activities are included:

  • overseeing and ensuring that you comply with all local applicable requirements – e.g., in the field of Anti-Money Laundering, Combatting Financing of Terrorism, Countering Proliferation Financing, and other relevant integrity requirements;
  • develop a compliance program that sets out the planned annual compliance activities;
  • advise you on compliance with all relevant local applicable requirements, including keeping you informed on compliance trends and developments;
  • monitoring and compliance testing, including reporting of identified breaches and/or deficiencies, and the corrective measures recommended to address them, and
  • act as the liaison point with your supervision authority including a promptly response to requests for information regarding compliance made by your supervision authority, and inquiries made by any other competent third-party in relation to compliance.
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