
You can fully outsource the internal audit function for non-financial activities to Noctua or partially, meaning that we can support your internal audit department or let us perform all operational (non-financial) internal audit activities. In case you outsource the internal audit function to Noctua, the following internal audit activities will be included:

  • assessment of the effectiveness of your (integrity) risk management framework;
  • evaluation of the reliability, effectiveness, and integrity of management information systems and processes; and
  • testing of compliance with requirements in local applicable laws and regulations, e.g., requirements regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Combatting Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Countering Proliferation Financing (CPF), and other integrity risks.

Noctua performs the internal audit function with professional competence and is bound to the ‘Regulation with respect to Rules of Professional Conduct’. This Regulation constitutes, among others, principles of fundamental requirements for professional practice. The internal audit work performed by Noctua does not constitute an audit or a review of any financial data. As a result, Noctua does NOT provide any assurance whether any financial data is fairly stated.

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