
Supervision authorities expect that you pursue an adequate policy on the ethical conduct of your business, and organize the business operations in such a way that the ethical conduct of your organization is safeguarded. This entails the awareness, promotion, and maintenance of ethical conduct within all layers of the organization.

Although you may decide how business operations will be organized, supervision authorities indicate that the following elements should at least be covered in your business operations:

  1. avoiding conflicts of interests;
  2. combatting money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing;
  3. discouraging criminal offenses or violations of the law by the organization or its employees, which could prejudice the confidence in the organization or in the financial markets;
  4. discouraging relationships with clients or other business relations that could prejudice the confidence in the organization or in the financial markets; and
  5. discouraging other acts by the organization or its employees, which are contrary to what is accepted to written law to such extend that the confidence in the organization or in the financial markets could be prejudiced by it.

As a result, you should carry out a systematic analysis of integrity risks. Noctua can assist you in this regard to carry out the systematic analysis of relevant integrity risks, and provide you with an integrity policy, including procedures and control measures. Noctua can also assist you in the implementation of the integrity policy and provide you with a tailor-made training to increase the integrity awareness in your organization.

Based on the systematic analysis of integrity risks, Noctua also offers the service of drafting tailor-made code of conducts, laying out your institution’s principles, standards, and the moral and ethical expectations that the staff are held to as they interact with(in) your institution.

Related to the systematic analysis of integrity risks, Noctua also offers the service of tailor-made code of conducts, which lays out your organization’s principles, standards, and the moral and ethical expectations that the staff are held to as they interact with(in) your organization.

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